[osg-users] Hello and a Couple Quick Getting Started Questions

Dave Sargrad davidsargrad at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 12 09:05:34 PDT 2015

jacmoe wrote:
> I am still trying to get my feet wet in the waters of OSG, but you definitely want to check out OSGRecipes:
> https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes
> The 'integrations' directory is a true godsend!
> However, you can find the old friend CEGUI in the source for chapter 9:
> https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes/tree/master/cookbook/chapter9/ch09_04
> If you are really interested in OSG, then I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to get the book itself. :)
> It is awesome that the author decided to put the code up on Github.

In case anyone is interested the osgRecipes seem to need this data (though not called out in the readme (https://github.com/xarray/osgRecipes/blob/master/README)):

Read this topic online here:

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