[osg-users] Hello and a Couple Quick Getting Started Questions

Jan Ciger jan.ciger at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 08:37:48 PDT 2015

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>

> ...

> osgViewer is fully threaded, something that cannot be said of Qt etc,
> where threading is a messy after thought.

That is perhaps a bit harsh. In general, there is no problem with threading
in Qt at all and there is a fairly decent threading library included with
it. However, you need to be aware that the GUI library itself is not thread
safe (pretty much no GUI libraries are) and if you wish to integrate an
external library with Qt, it needs to respect that. Normally you should
practically never need to use threads to drive the UI, so that shouldn't be
an issue in 99.5% of the cases. The rest is covered by various tools
provided by the library, such as asynchronous tasks, networking in the
background, etc.

I have done a lot of integration of both OSG and Ogre3D with Qt for my work
and I have worked with wxWidgets in the past as well. I think the far
larger problem with Qt (and also wxWidgets and other "big framework" type
UI libraries) is that these are not really GUI libraries but complete
application frameworks. Their programming model is very different from what
OSG or simulator/game programmers assume and one can't just "cherrypick"
bits and pieces needed by the application. It is an all or nothing
proposition - either you design you application following the design
principles of hte framework and then everything works like magic, or you
don't and then you can't really use it.

These frameworks are all event driven (no busy main loop, application is
sitting idle waiting for input instead!), expect to have full control of
the top level application event loop (weird things happen if this isn't the
case) and often they expect to fully manage OpenGL state too if you are
using the provided OpenGL support. These "impedance mismatches" make things
difficult when two libraries with such assumptions meet in a single

Generally speaking, Qt, wxWidgets and similar are great if you are building
an UI-centric desktop application, using standard UI elements and an
embedded OpenGL/OSG window. Especially the Qt Designer is very hard to beat
when it comes to quickly building the application interfaces. A typical
application using this could be perhaps something like a CAD program, mesh
visualizer/editor or something like Google Earth (uses Qt).

On the other hand, if your goal is a realtime application with relatively
lightweight UI using custom graphics elements that is being rendered by the
3D engine itself, such as a simulator or a game, then it is better to use
specialized middleware. CEGUI is rather primitive, but there are tools like
Coherent UI, Scaleform, libRocket, etc. We have tried to use Qt and its new
QML system to render a GUI *inside* of an OSG application (render QML to
texture and display using OSG) and while it is possible, it requires a lot
of non-trivial hacks because the library is simply not written with such
use case in mind at all. I certainly don't recommend this approach.


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