/ osgEarth 2.4 released

osgEarth 2.4 released

I am happy to announce that osgEarth 2.4 has arrived! osgEarth is a terrain engine SDK built on top of OpenSceneGraph. You can read the 2.4 Release Notes here: http://goo.gl/JVpQN

Along with this release, we are making a couple of administrative changes as well. First, we are retiring the old trac-based wiki and moving to a new GitHub landing page (http://osgearth.org). We'll dress it up with some pretty pictures later.

More importantly, we have a new Documentation Site hosted on ReadTheDocs (http://docs.osgearth.org). The docs are in the osgEarth GitHub repository itself - which means that not only are they versioned, but that our loyal community of users can help us keep them up to date.

As always - thank you for your support!