[osg-users] Closing of osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org, please subscribe to osg-users googlegroup

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 07:16:42 PDT 2021

Hi All,

It looks like the subscribe by email approach is working well for
non-Google users which is great news.

Unfortunately all it's not yet perfect, a few subscriptions are failing
when I attempt to confirm the pending request with the googlegroup server
reporting that it can't confirm the address.  This seems to be happening
for a range of addresses, initially it looked random but now I've had two
separate subscription attempts from the same domain fail right after each
other with the same error so it's starting to look like some domains aren't
playing nice with the googlegroup server for some reason.

Three of the addresses were US gov domains - could that be a connection?

If your subscription has failed then please email me directly on
robert.osfield at gmail.com.  I am hoping that I'll be able to just
subscribe to you directly.  Knowing a pattern of which types of domain fail
could also help with figuring out a solution.


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