[osg-users] Closing of osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org, please subscribe to osg-users googlegroup

merspieler merspieler at airmail.cc
Sun Apr 4 11:51:58 PST 2021

What about those who can't use the google mailing list?

On Sun, Apr 04, 2021 at 12:40:16PM +0100, Robert Osfield wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have managed the osg-users mailing list for two decades with little
> issues along the way, it mostly has just looked after itself.  Alas today
> is the last day as it's become an attack vector for bots to an extent that
> it's swamping my support work.  I'll be deleting the list later today, for
> those that wish to continue with support please subscribe to the osg-users
> google group:
>     https://groups.google.com/g/osg-users
> This has become necessary as this year the osg-users and osg-submissions
> lists have been under increasing target for nefarious bots that have been
> attempting to subscribe a broad range of email addresses.   It's now become
> a deluge - I'm getting notifications of new attempts as I type this
> message, and unfortunately there isn't any means I can find for mailman to
> thwart this type of broad attack, so it's requiring an ever increasing
> amount of manual work from me to clear the backlog of requests.
> There's also no way for me to know whether an address is a genuine
> subscription so unfortunately there may be rejection that has happened
> because the subscriptions are swamped by dozens of fake ones, many which
> are plausible addresses.
> I'm a C++/OpenGL/Vulkan programmer playing wack a mole with bots trying to
> abuse the community just isn't a good use of my time nor helpful for the
> osg-users community.  The osg-users google group doesn't look to be
> affected by this attack vector so it'll be a far better place for us to
> discuss OSG topics without the overhead of admin that the old mailman lists
> now involve.
> I have already deleted the osg-submissions list as it's no longer active -
> github.com PR's have taken over for quite a while now.
> I will leave the osg-uses mailing list up for the test of today.  Then
> delete it later today or tomorrow morning.
> Thanks for your patience,
> Robert.

> _______________________________________________
> osg-users mailing list
> osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
> http://lists.openscenegraph.org/listinfo.cgi/osg-users-openscenegraph.org

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