[osg-users] How to reduce the cache size limit of OSG ?

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Tue May 26 02:36:18 PDT 2020

Hi Robert, 

The codes looks like this: 
root = GroupOfSwitch(); 
while (!viewer->done()) {
    root->removeChild(0); // Remove the point cloud 
    pc = sensor.Capture();  // Get the point cloud
    geo = CreateGeometryNode(pc);
    root->addChild(geo); // Add the pointcloud 



On Monday, May 25, 2020 at 6:33:59 PM UTC+8, OpenSceneGraph Users wrote:
> Hi??
> There is nothing we can advice as you say nothing how you are managing 
> your scene graph.  All we know is you are doing something with a point 
> dataset and memory keeps growing.
> You need to provide some source of how to you are setting up your scene 
> graphs and how you are updating it.  Once we know what you are doing we'll 
> be able recommend  a better way to do it without memory growth.
> Robert.

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