[osg-users] [3rdparty] Use PNG as texture for terrain in osgEarth

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Wed May 13 14:05:40 PDT 2020



On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 2:04:12 PM UTC-2, Rodrigo Dias wrote:
> Thank you, Glenn, but this part was already solved. 
> About sending the camera's coordinates to screen text, I've found a 
> solution elsewhere: 
> Code: 
>         Vec3f eye; 
>         while ( !viewer.done() ) { 
>                 eye = 
> viewer.getCamera()->getInverseViewMatrix().getTrans(); 
>                 text1->setText((L"Heading: " + 
> to_wstring(eye.x())).c_str()); 
>                 text2->setText((L"Pitch: " +   
> to_wstring(eye.y())).c_str()); 
>                 text3->setText((L"Roll: " +   
>  to_wstring(eye.z())).c_str()); 
>                 viewer.frame(); 
>         } 
> or 
> Code: 
>         Vec3f eye, center, up; 
>         while ( !viewer.done() ) { 
>                 viewer.getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt( eye, center, up 
> ); 
>                 text1->setText((L"Heading: " + 
> to_wstring(eye.x())).c_str()); 
>                 text2->setText((L"Pitch: " +   
> to_wstring(eye.y())).c_str()); 
>                 text3->setText((L"Roll: " +   
>  to_wstring(eye.z())).c_str()); 
>                 viewer.frame(); 
>         } 
> Now the numbers change as I move the scene around using 
> TrackballManipulator. However, the keys don't change any number when I use 
> FirstPersonManipulator. I tried to look at the source code for examples: 
> > grep -nrw . -e 'FirstPersonManipulator' --include=*.cpp 
> but this only returns lines from osgGA/FirstPersonManipulator.cpp 
> How can I know how to use FirstPersonManipulator without a program that 
> uses it? 
> ------------------ 
> Read this topic online here: 
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=75499#75499 
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