[osg-users] Are there features to help detect bad data?

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Mon Mar 16 15:33:39 PDT 2020

I had for a good long time an error that sounds similar to this. We had *timeBeginPeriod 
*set pretty low, to like 1. Turns out this was causing a lot of 
dead-locking in the NVidia driver. I have also found NVIDIA Nsight to be 
pretty useful for tracking down some issues with hangs. We had another 
issue where a 3rd party lib we were using made a few unneeded glGetInt 
calls every frame. This seemed to cause some intermittent long hangs when 
we ran multiple instances of our program at the same time. I was able to 
find this one pretty quickly with Nsight.

On Friday, March 13, 2020 at 3:44:16 AM UTC-5, Alexandre Vaillancourt wrote:
> Hello all!
> We've recently been having some intermittent crashes ("hangs"--Windows 
> shuts down the process after a 2 seconds freeze in the graphics API) 
> occurring in the nVidia's OpenGL dll. Google searches revealed that this 
> can occur if we supply bad data to OpenGL. 
> Are there features in OSG to detect such incorrect data in our models? 
> Concurrent vertices, bad normals, bad UVs, etc.--stuff that could be 
> correct or incorrect if defaulted (the crash is intermittent)?
> We're using OSG 3.6.3, we read .flt files and convert them to .osgb with 
> a convert tool of our own (using OSG), then we read those .osgb in our 
> app. 
> Thanks!
> --
> Vaillancourt

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