[osg-users] Osg Text issues

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Wed Jun 10 10:29:59 PDT 2020

Hi Dan,

On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 at 01:37, OpenSceneGraph Users <
osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org> wrote:

> I just want to bump this to tell the issue have been resolved. On the last
> code snippet i posted you can see i create a new camera, set the graphics
> context and set the viewers camera to this one. This was what caused the
> issue and when i instead extracted the associated camera directly from the
> viewer and set the graphics context it solved the issue. I'm not exactly
> sure why this is happening, maybe you understand that better then me :) But
> its definitely the reason causing the bug

I vaguely recall something about global state not being set when you create
your own osg::StateSet.  Basically a bug fix to the core OSG several years
ago meant that global state needed to be set, and normal usage of the
viewer this is done, but with custom usage it's possible to miss this step
and leave some of the state without a default.  The change to the OSG was
required as it was unintentionally overriding global defaults.

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