[osg-users] Osg Text issues

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Wed Jan 29 01:38:59 PST 2020

Hi Dan,

Thanks for all the details.  Seeing a difference between the same scene 
graph in our Qt based viewer vs OSG suggests that the Qt side is changing 
OpenGL state, or setting up the graphics context+frame buffers in a 
different way to the OSG does.

I don't have any Qt expertise so can't help with that side of things, 
perhaps other OSG/Qt users can help, or perhaps the Qt community can 
provide guidance on what OpenGL state it sets.  The OSG can't change OpenGL 
state that it isn't aware of, but if you can tell the OSG about this state 
via the osg::State::haveApplied*() calls:

       /** Mode has been set externally, update state to reflect this 
        void haveAppliedMode(StateAttribute::GLMode 
mode,StateAttribute::GLModeValue value);

        /** Mode has been set externally, therefore dirty the associated 
mode in osg::State
          * so it is applied on next call to osg::State::apply(..)*/
        void haveAppliedMode(StateAttribute::GLMode mode);

        /** Attribute has been applied externally, update state to reflect 
this setting.*/
        void haveAppliedAttribute(const StateAttribute* attribute);

        /** Attribute has been applied externally,
          * and therefore this attribute type has been dirtied
          * and will need to be re-applied on next osg::State.apply(..).
          * note, if you have an osg::StateAttribute which you have applied 
          * then use the have_applied(attribute) method as this will cause 
the osg::State to
          * track the current state more accurately and enable lazy state 
updating such
          * that only changed state will be applied.*/
        void haveAppliedAttribute(StateAttribute::Type type, unsigned int 

At a guess I'd suggest it's the blending or texture filter that could amiss.


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