[osg-users] OpenSceneGraph-3.6.5 release candidate 2 tagged, please test

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Mon Jan 27 01:57:23 PST 2020

Hi Fiabian,

On Monday, 27 January 2020 09:41:43 UTC, Fabian Roth wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently testing this RC with openmw.
> If i have the fps display or profiler open while exiting the application i 
> get a crash on exit.
> I am not sure if this is due to a bug in my build, a bug in openmw or a 
> real issue with osg.
> The issue seems to be related to the destruction of the default font, but 
> i was not able to investigate further.
> Attached is a Backtrace of the issue i am currently observing.

That stack trace looks like the automatic clean up of the ObjectCache with 
the DefaultFont within it is related somehow to the crash.  How the 
DefaultFont is managed has changed, to address bugs ironically, and in a 
general sense the clean up the stack trace looks just fine to me, it's 
roughly what I'd expect to happen.  However, I don't have any clear idea 
why in this instance the crash has occurred.

Given there isn't any obvious amiss we are unfortunately are left to widen 
out the search for what is amiss. 

Does running an OSG example like osgtext fail?

Do others in the OpenMMW community seen this same crash?

Is it possible to run OpenMMW single threaded to see if there might be some 
thread interaction?

What OS/compile and OpenMMW version combination are you using?

One possible cause of crash like this is memory corruption during the run 
of the application that is only revealed on clean up.  Using a memory tools 
like valgrind might be spot this type of issue.

Perhaps others might have seen something similar and can help shed some 
light on the nature of the crash.

If it's possible to recreate the crash with an standard OSG example, or a 
small modification of one, then this would be really helpful for me to jump 
in a start investigating the issue.




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