[osg-users] 回复:Re: 回复:Re: remove updatecallback stably and reliably

蔡少波 beijihuohu at 126.com
Sun Dec 27 15:16:50 PST 2020

    There are three different symbols, one is text plus pictures, the text is different, the pictures are the same, one is the line symbol, and the other is the surface symbol. The coordinates of the line symbol and the surface symbol are irregular.
AnimationPathCallback mainly controls position and posture. It is the update callback of PositionAttitudeTransform, but this PositionAttitudeTransform node should be used in conjunction with other nodes. We use this AnimationPathCallback to control the position and shape of all nodes. Jack

At 2020-12-27 23:19:31, "Robert Osfield" <robert.osfield at gmail.com> wrote:

How are the symbols represented in the scene graph and on screen?  How many different types of symbols do you have?

What are the dynamic aspects to the simulated objects, as you mention AnimationPathCallback I presume you are animating a transform.  Is this just xyz translations?

I don't yet understand enough about the specific usage case but in principle I'd suggest looking at geometry instancing as a possible technique for leveraging the GPU more and minimizing the CPU overhead.  It may be possible to just position your objects using an osg::UniformArray and an appropriate shader to unpack this and create the required modelview matrix to position/colour each instance of a symbol.

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