[osg-users] Projection Mode

OpenSceneGraph Users osg-users at lists.openscenegraph.org
Wed Apr 1 07:58:13 PDT 2020

OpenSceneGraph Users writes:

>  Hey,
>  I've got the issue, that when there is a high aspect ratio (48:9 in my case)
>  and a high fov (120 degrees) I get the effect that objects near the side
>  edges are stretched significantly.
>  While trying to understand how it works, I've noticed as well, that a fov
>  of >= 180 completely breaks the view and before getting to it, things
>  start to look very weird (starting somewhere between 160 and 170 degrees).
>  Someone told me, I'd need a different projection mode to solve that.

That's right.

>  How do I change/set the projection mode?

Here what you want to do is to divide your rendering into pieces, for
example having 3 cameras with a 60 degree FOV each.  You do not specify
which kind of display device(s) you have, but I suppose you have two or
more monitors.  There are examples in the source code for creating the
slave cameras and displaying each one of them i a different screen.


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