[osg-users] Render to Texture and osgQt (osgQOpenGL)

Wouter Roos rooswouter at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 10:48:13 PDT 2019

Hi all,
I'm really struggling with getting RTT to work under the latest version of osgQt and using osgQOpenGL. I am aware of the discussion around adding the setDrawBuffer(GL_BACK) and setReadBuffer(GL_BACK) to the camera for double buffered contexts, but no matter what settings I set for the window and QSurface, the screen remains empty. I am using the original osgPrerender example for testing. The same works fine with the previous version (the one that was updated to incorporate the camera buffer changes) of osgQt, which uses GraphicsWindowQt.
Given the state of the current master of osgQt and the problems compiling and running it to begin with; is anybody using the osgQOpenGL at the moment? Is it working with a render to texture camera?

Kind regards,


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