[osg-users] VPB and unusual normals

Chris Hanson xenon at alphapixel.com
Sat Sep 14 16:59:45 PDT 2019

Are there any circumstances where VPB is known to not produce sensible
vertex normals? Did a build of some terrain with VPB recently, and I
haven't used it a lot because most of my customers rely on osgEarth for any
non-trivial Earth models. The resulting model loaded and ran ok and the
geometry and texture maps seemed fine, but when using the per-vertex
normals to perform shininess rendering of ocean surfaces, the normals
appear peculiar and non-continuous across tile boundaries.

I don't recall needing to do anything special for VPB normals, but
honestly, my memory might not be serving me well.

Any insight from anyone?

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. Xenon at AlphaPixel.com
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