[osg-users] [ANN] OSG 3.6.4 Windows VC++ Binaries Posted

Stuart Mentzer osgforum at tevs.eu
Fri Sep 6 22:18:07 PDT 2019

Hello OSG-community,

OSG 3.6.4 Windows 64-bit binaries built with Visual C++ 2017 are now available from this page on my company's site: https://objexx.com/OpenSceneGraph.html

Release and debug builds are provided.

Plugins for curl, FBX, freetype, GDAL, giflib, glut, jpeg, lpng, minizip, tiff, and zlib are included. The FBX plugin is a new addition based on a recent request.

osgQt is included but from the April 2018 Qt4-tagged revision: we haven't figured out how to migrate to the new osgQOpenGL system yet!

Other builds and additional plugins may be possible by arrangement.

[Robert, feel free to a another link to the Stable release 3.6.4 entry as you did for 3.6.3.]

Best regards,

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