[osg-users] [build] Building OSG 3.6.4 in Win64 TDM GNU.

Chris Hanson xenon at alphapixel.com
Tue Sep 3 16:40:05 PDT 2019

On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 5:31 PM Zachary1234 <osgforum at tevs.eu> wrote:

> Is there anyone out there wo can refer me to a company who could build
> Win64 TDM .a or .lib static OSG for me, even for a price, kindly? And which
> can quote me for it all in dollars, beforehand?

That's why I haven't been able to help you. I can't tell you beforehand
what it will cost. Whether it's even possible, and the amount of work
necessary to achieve it, is an unknown to all of us. We'd have to DO all
the work to see how long it's going to take.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. Xenon at AlphaPixel.com
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