[osg-users] [build] Particular Build Problems with OSG.

Zachary1234 osgforum at tevs.eu
Wed Mar 27 20:06:22 PDT 2019

> To build OSG you need to manually direct the cygwin installer to load version 3.3.3 of the gcc compiler family.

-By doing this, will I be then building a compiler which will be incompatible
with 64 bit Windows C++ TDM compiling, or in fact not?

-I had been under the impression that the only way to build these sorts of things while remaining (native win64 TDM compatible) was to use the 

64 bit mingw g++

compiler, and not the

gnu g++ 

compiler, on its own.  When building things in the cygwin environment to be used outside of it.  Is this view of things accurate, or not?

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