[osg-users] [build] Particular Build Problems with OSG.

Zachary1234 osgforum at tevs.eu
Wed Mar 27 00:13:13 PDT 2019

I am attempting to build 64 bit OSG 3.6.3 for Windows using the GNU compiler, to keep my end result operable with 64 bit TDM.

I am in the 64 bit Cygwin Environment.

I have installed the dependencies mentioned as necessary at the top of the tutorial


and have even managed to separately build OpenThreads successfully.

I am up to the point where I am to 

make, make install upon OpenSceneGraph version 3.6.3 and am finding
there is no make file to start by.  

I have taken the source code version of OSG from 

and have updated ~/.bashrc with links and references as needed.  Do I have the right source code download of OSG, why won't configure make install detected the needed file for me, at least according to the later part of the tutorial?

Read this topic online here:

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