[osg-users] osgQt doesn't set a context ID

Chris Djali krizdjali at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 09:24:39 PDT 2019

I've been informed that I was wrong about this. While I am seeing issues with my application, the context ID is actually being set, just it's being set to the same value as the previous context as OSG reuses IDs for dead contexts.

What I know about the issue so far is that the per-context program isn't being deleted properly. It looks like the OSG object is never actually cleared when releaseGLObjects is called, but it's hard to pin down exactly what's going on when debugging an optimised build, so I'm trying to replicate the issue on an unoptimised one instead, but have stumbled across other problems while doing so.

I'll be back once I know more, as I don't know enough to determine if this is an OSG problem or user error right now.


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