[osg-users] [build] Building OSG 3.6.4 in Win64 TDM GNU.

michael kapelko kornerr at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 03:52:04 PDT 2019


you can build OpenSceneGraph into static libraries yourself.
Just get yourself comfortable with OpenSceneGraph first, in the way it
is distributed by MSYS2.


On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 at 12:08, Zachary1234 <osgforum at tevs.eu> wrote:
> -I'm not after the .dll files.  I'm after Win64 static library files and their headers.  .a files or .lib files, I believe.
> -Whereabouts in what the pacman instruction from before just did, among all its downloading and such, can I find Win64 static library files and headers for linking and running OSG from C++, on its own?
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=76546#76546
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