[osg-users] osgposter through Task Scheduler

Andreas Ekstrand andreas.ekstrand at remograph.com
Wed Jul 3 09:28:15 PDT 2019


Doesn't anyone have an idea about this? Basic question is, how can one 
retrieve a valid context without logging in to Windows? Is it even 
possible? I guess this problem isn't OSG-specific but I would have 
guessed that someone here had come across this before.

Even if I enable auto-login, it won't allow for remote desktop login 
since you're logged out again after such a session - this makes it hard 
to log in remotely to check the progress of headless process servers.


On 2019-06-16 21:17, Andreas Ekstrand wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having problems with the osgposter example in Windows, or more 
> precisely something similar I'm developing but the problem is easier 
> to reproduce with osgposter. In my simple reproduction of the problem 
> I'm trying to render an image automatically at computer startup by 
> calling osgposter (inactive mode) from a Python script (os.system) 
> activated as a task from Task Scheduler in Windows 10. But it seems to 
> fail to fetch a valid OpenGL context. I have tried all rendering types 
> in osgposter - fb, fbo, pbuffer and pbuffer-rtt.
> The script works fine when started manually or when the task is set to 
> start only when the user is logged on. But when activated as a task at 
> computer startup whether user is logged on or not, it refuses to 
> render anything. It just gets stuck in an infinite loop in the 
> PosterPrinter class since FrameStamp::getFrameNumber() returns 0.
> Before that, View::setUpViewInWindow results in the following messages 
> if OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL is set to DEBUG:
> (...)
> SingleWindow::configure - GraphicsWindow has not been created 
> successfully.
> (...)
> Viewer::realize() - No valid contexts found, setting up view across 
> all screens.
> (...)
> SingleWindow::configure - GraphicsWindow has not been created 
> successfully.
> (...)
> Viewer::realize() - failed to set up any windows
> Does anyone know how to get this working without having to log on to a 
> Windows user?  Should it work? I have a GeForce GT 710 with the latest 
> drivers. Actually, I tried adding opengl32.dll from the Mesa3D library 
> to the same folder as osgposter.exe to make it work when manually 
> executed while logged on through Remote Desktop. It did the trick, but 
> not when activated from Task Scheduler.
> Regards,
> Andreas
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