[osg-users] Question about security of shader developments

Chris Hanson xenon at alphapixel.com
Thu Jan 31 03:36:15 PST 2019

You could obfuscate and minify your shader:


Or hire a demoscene person to mangle it. ;)

On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 11:43 AM Werner Modenbach <texion at modenbach-ac.de>

> Hi Michael and all other people responding to my request,
> first of all thank you very much!
> @Michael: What you suggest is something like asking Zuckerberg to
> publish his algorithms.
>                 And belief me, Chinese don't care at all about patents
> or other rules we usually accept here.
> I'm really surprised that there is no real solution for my problem.
> Since OpenGL 4 all developers are advised to create their own shaders.
> And once you get familiar
> with that you quickly discover the potential of it. A good portion of
> your know how gets transferred to shaders.
> This should be a common problem in the commercial field. And no solution
> from NVIDIA etc. ?
> @Robert: Thanks for pointing me to SPIR-V. I'll have a look at it.
> Anyway better than pure source code.
>                 Unfortunately not natively supported by OSG.
> Hiding shader source code inside an executable is not that problem
> because all our executables are encrypted.
> And memory spy during runtime is detected already.
> The problem here is the driver api.
> @Damian: Do you have any links for detecting OpenGL/GPU debuggers?
> Many, many thanks to everybody.
> - Werner -
> Am 31.01.2019 um 10:29 schrieb michael kapelko:
> > Hi.
> >
> > You may have a look at the problem from a different angle. If someone
> > is stealing from you that means they need it. If you cannot stop it
> > (or it costs much more than simply let them have it), then you should
> > lead it. Instead of hiding your great shaders you can publish them
> > yourself (don't forget to add some notes about your company in the
> > comments)! This would be the marketing way of handling the problem.
> >
> > On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 at 12:17, Damian Dixon <damian.dixon at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I don't know what the OSG solution to this would be.
> >>
> >> You could obfuscate the shader code. Though to be honest this would
> only slow someone down not stop them from obtaining the shader source.
> >>
> >> In addition to obfusication put the shader source into the DLL/exe and
> potentially hide the strings by a simple rotation or masking of the data.
> >>
> >> You could add additional logic to detect OpenGL/GPU debuggers and/or
> check the OpenGL shared library is loaded from sensible locations.
> >>
> >> The other options would be to look at the following in OpenGL. I've not
> used either of them so they may not work particularly well.
> >>
> >> https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/extensions/ARB/ARB_gl_spirv.txt
> (OpenGL 4.6)
> >>
> https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL-Refpages/gl4/html/glShaderBinary.xhtml
> (OpenGL 4.1)
> >>
> >> You may find that the SPIRV extension is not widely supported yet on
> all GPUs and drivers (mesa support is not yet there) that your customers
> are using. SPIRV modules are an intermediate compiled representation of the
> shaders so someone with a lot of time could reverse engineer.
> >>
> >> The shader binary I believe may be limited to the GPU/driver that it
> was compiled for.
> >>
> >> Also OSG would need to be modified to use SPIRV or shader binaries.
> >>
> >> Most of this is a trade off between cost of implementation, additional
> test and support costs and lost revenue.
> >>
> >> Regards
> >> Damian
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 17:50, Werner Modenbach <texion at modenbach-ac.de>
> wrote:
> >>> Dear Robert, dear community,
> >>>
> >>> I use OSG since many years now with great success. But being honest I
> >>> usually just use the osg api and direct gl calls are very rare in our
> code.
> >>> That's the reason why I ask people with more gl experience here.
> >>> I'm working in a commercial environment. Unfortunately we have very bad
> >>> experience about the security of our developments
> >>> especially with a famous Asian country. Cracking and copying is the
> >>> normal case there.
> >>> During the years we have established a quite secure environment for our
> >>> executables by encrypting the them and by detecting
> >>> debugging and sniffing tools running in parallel.
> >>> There is mainly one really weak part, the shaders we develop.
> >>> We spent years now in very complex and highly optimized shaders and I
> >>> have sleepless nights knowing that the shader code is
> >>> transferred to the driver as plain source code.
> >>> My question: Is there any way solving this problem? Is there any driver
> >>> api for that? I searched all over OSG but didn't find anything.
> >>> Is this feature missing in general or is it just not in the OSG api?
> >>> If all the questions are answered NO can anybody provide a contact to
> >>> NVIDIA for discussing this problem?
> >>>
> >>> Many thanks in advance for any hints and help.
> >>>
> >>> - Werner -
> >>>
> >>>
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Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. Xenon at AlphaPixel.com
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