[osg-users] Question about security of shader developments

Werner Modenbach texion at modenbach-ac.de
Wed Jan 30 09:49:57 PST 2019

Dear Robert, dear community,

I use OSG since many years now with great success. But being honest I
usually just use the osg api and direct gl calls are very rare in our code.
That's the reason why I ask people with more gl experience here.
I'm working in a commercial environment. Unfortunately we have very bad
experience about the security of our developments
especially with a famous Asian country. Cracking and copying is the
normal case there.
During the years we have established a quite secure environment for our
executables by encrypting the them and by detecting
debugging and sniffing tools running in parallel.
There is mainly one really weak part, the shaders we develop.
We spent years now in very complex and highly optimized shaders and I
have sleepless nights knowing that the shader code is
transferred to the driver as plain source code.
My question: Is there any way solving this problem? Is there any driver
api for that? I searched all over OSG but didn't find anything.
Is this feature missing in general or is it just not in the OSG api?
If all the questions are answered NO can anybody provide a contact to
NVIDIA for discussing this problem?

Many thanks in advance for any hints and help.

- Werner -

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