[osg-users] How to properly compile osg with EGL support?

Chris Hanson xenon at alphapixel.com
Thu Jan 24 13:16:47 PST 2019

As far as integrating, I'd probably defer to Robert on his views of how it
ought to be tied in. Without X Server, a lot of the Windowing System code
kind of becomes moot.

Do you have any views on this Robert? I'd love to get this technique into
wider utilization.

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:56 PM Omar Álvarez <omar.alvarez at cinfo.es> wrote:

> I have managed to compile and run a simple EGL example that Trajce Nikolov
> kindly provided. I am preparing a github repo with the code, if he has no
> issue with this. Here are the caveats that I have found:
> - When installing driver we need to reboot in order for the EGL context to
> be available. In Ubuntu 18.04 installing the latest drivers from NVIDIA PPA
> worked out of the box.
> - eglinfo is awesome. NVIDIA device EGL needs to be working to be able to
> run EGL.
> - When using the latest CMake (3.13.x), I think OSG does not properly
> detect libOpenGL.so which is needed for EGL. I will test this further to be
> sure that is the cause.
> - One needs to stablish viewport resolution manually or the following
> error pops up: "Error: cannot draw stage due to undefined viewport"
> - Some warning pops up that I have not been able to fix: "void
> StateSet::setGlobalDefaults() ShaderPipeline disabled."
> Any idea why the warning message is popping up?
> It would probably be interesting to integrate in OSG the graphics context
> code, so that users don't need to write the custom class. If anyone has any
> suggestions I would love to hear them.
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Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. Xenon at AlphaPixel.com
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