[osg-users] How to properly compile osg with EGL support?

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 10:32:06 PST 2019

few advices:
check your driver support with eglinfo 
try adding -legl to the linker flags
try VERBOSE=1 make 
to check used linkerflags

Omar Álvarez wrote:
> Hi.
> I am trying to compile OSG with EGL support in order to be able to run OSG server side without an X display server. I have installed EGL headers and the latest and the NVIDIA driver. EGL is detected by OSG and I am requesting GLVND GL:
> I am getting linking errors:
> > [ 33%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/osgversion
> > ../../lib/libosg.so.3.6.3: undefined reference to `glDrawArrays'
> > ../../lib/libosg.so.3.6.3: undefined reference to `glCallList'
> > ../../lib/libosg.so.3.6.3: undefined reference to `glPointSize'
> > ../../lib/libosg.so.3.6.3: undefined reference to `glTexParameteriv'
> > ../../lib/libosg.so.3.6.3: undefined reference to `glFrontFace'
> > ../../lib/libosg.so.3.6.3: undefined reference to `glLightModeli'
> > ../../lib/libosg.so.3.6.3: undefined reference to `glGetBooleanv'
> > .........
> Is this the proper way for compiling OSG with EGL support?
> I am using CMake 3.13, Ubuntu 18.04 and gcc 7.3. I think the way in which the OpenGL library is linked has to change (to support the new CMake flag OpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE). 
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