[osg-users] [3rdparty] Use PNG as texture for terrain in osgEarth

Rodrigo Dias rodrigo1406 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 08:04:40 PST 2019

Thank you, Glenn, but this part was already solved.

About sending the camera's coordinates to screen text, I've found a solution elsewhere:

	Vec3f eye;
	while ( !viewer.done() ) {
		eye = viewer.getCamera()->getInverseViewMatrix().getTrans();
		text1->setText((L"Heading: " + to_wstring(eye.x())).c_str());
		text2->setText((L"Pitch: " +   to_wstring(eye.y())).c_str());
		text3->setText((L"Roll: " +    to_wstring(eye.z())).c_str());


	Vec3f eye, center, up;
	while ( !viewer.done() ) {
		viewer.getCamera()->getViewMatrixAsLookAt( eye, center, up );
		text1->setText((L"Heading: " + to_wstring(eye.x())).c_str());
		text2->setText((L"Pitch: " +   to_wstring(eye.y())).c_str());
		text3->setText((L"Roll: " +    to_wstring(eye.z())).c_str());

Now the numbers change as I move the scene around using TrackballManipulator. However, the keys don't change any number when I use FirstPersonManipulator. I tried to look at the source code for examples:

> grep -nrw . -e 'FirstPersonManipulator' --include=*.cpp

but this only returns lines from osgGA/FirstPersonManipulator.cpp

How can I know how to use FirstPersonManipulator without a program that uses it?

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