[osg-users] Deleting still referenced object

Richard Harrison rjh at zaretto.com
Mon Jan 14 16:09:40 PST 2019

Thanks Robert and Laurens for your responses.

It all makes a lot of sense and it is the solution that I was looking 
for all along but failed to find because I didn't look hard enough even 
though I should have been able to figure it out - so thanks for the 
guidance. Most of my effort went into identifying the problem; the fix 
was only a few hours.

I've just changed simgear (again thanks for the code, that really 
illustrated it well) and I'm currently flying one of my long test routes.

> I will add a comment to the ObjectCache about getFromObjectCache()

good idea; that would have helped me; possibly even I could have tracked 
down the problem myself.

> I would also recommend changing instances of
> readNodeFile/readImageFile/readObjectFile() to readRefNodeFile() etc.

I've just had a quick search through OSG and these are the methods that 
I've found that I'll change if we're using them to be the ref versions. 
We've still got a few multithreading related problems to find and these 
may help.


Is there any other documentation of things that are deprecated?

> All these Ref version for file loading and cache came in existence to
> address threading issues.  In hindsight the OSG should never have
> provided the non ref_ptr<> versions.

That's often the way; and hindsight is a truly wonderful thing.

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