[osg-users] [3rdparty] class osgEarth::Map has no member named 'addImageLayer'

Eran Cohen ceranco at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 01:22:08 PST 2019

Rodrigo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm following the example from here (http://docs.osgearth.org/en/latest/developer/maps.html#programmatic-map-creation). This line, however:
> Code:
> map->addImageLayer( layer );
> won't compile. g++ says:
> > error: ‘class osgEarth::Map’ has no member named ‘addImageLayer’; did you mean ‘addLayer’?
> > 
> I tried with addLayer, but then the program compiles but hangs on run, and won't execute not even the first line, "cout << 1;".
> I'm using version 2.10. I noticed that the documentation (https://updraft.github.io/osgearth-doc/html/classosgEarth_1_1Map.html) is from version 2.1. Even the page where I took the example from is titled "osgEarth 2.4 documentation". Is there an up to date documentation? What am I doing wrong here?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Rodrigo

Hi Rodrigo,

If I'm not mistaken, the map API was changed in 2.9 to be more generic,
so the different map->add*Type*Layer() were changed to map->addLayer(), so that's the reason for the first error.

I'm not sure why the program hangs when you use the addLayer() method, but you may have better luck asking in the osgEarth forum.

Good luck,
Eran Cohen

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