[osg-users] I need any ideas on how to wait for all outstanding frame-calls

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 04:52:40 PST 2019

Hi Christoph,

> What I try to do is have a rendering on demand mode for a viewer showing a geotiff (using osgearth). Currently it takes several frame-calls to have the image in a clear state. And is state is the item I want to wait for, before start doing something else.

A quick reply as I'm about to head out.  It sounds like the database
pager thread will be active in your usage model, so you'll need to
wait for all pending requests to be merged.  I don't recall the API
for checking this off the top of my head, have a look at the
DatabasePager API and also look through the OpenSceneGraph/examples I
think there might an example of this - search for DatabasePager.


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