[osg-users] Setup and Start OSG library questions.

A Z poweruserm at live.com.au
Sun Feb 10 15:22:59 PST 2019

-[I have been reading 'OpenScene Graph 3.0: Beginner's Guide'.
It mentions that OSG comes with WxWidgets integration support.
I have also obtained the example file that claims to help
on this issue, to limited avail.

Can someone please reply with a source code example in C++ with
how I can combine the output, from an OSG Camera node or equivalent
I presume, onto something like a wxPanel?]

-[I have been trying and failing to build the OSG library
for 64 bit Windows and a GNU g++ compatible library,
TDM in particular.  Built versions of the library that I have found
on the internet are for MSVC, and are not TDM compatible.
Can OSG produce a 64 bit Windows TDM build of the version
of OSG that matches the beginner's guide, 3.0, or can it
point me in the direction of a public website that hosts
v3.0 for 64 bit Windows TDM?]
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