[osg-users] incorrectly imported TEXTURE_DIMENSION macro in osgText_Text.frag

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 03:10:45 PST 2019

Hi Cory,

What version of the OSG, OS and hardware are you using?

Do you see the issue with any of the OSG examples?

What is you OS's default locale?

Looking the #defines, is this osgText related?  Or State that your
application has set up?


On Tue, 17 Dec 2019 at 16:34, Cory Riddell <cory at codeware.com> wrote:

> This may be related to something having to do with my locale settings,
> but for some reason the fragment shader is failing to compile. This is
> the error from the log:
>     FRAGMENT glCompileShader "" FAILED
>     FRAGMENT Shader "" infolog:
>     Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
>     ERROR: 1:184: error(#132) Syntax error: "024.0" parse error
>     ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors.  No code generated
> When I look for the source that is echoed to the log, the problem is the
> thousands separator on line 4:
>     Compiling C: FRAGMENT source:
>         1: #define BACKDROP_COLOR vec4(0.300, 0.300, 0.300, 1.000)
>         2: #define GLYPH_DIMENSION 240.0
>         3: #define OUTLINE 0.070
>         4: #define TEXTURE_DIMENSION 1,024.0
> I believe the line is generated from this pragma:
>     #pragma import_defines( SIGNED_DISTANCE_FIELD, TEXTURE_DIMENSION,
> At this point I'm stuck. What controls the generation of those #define
> macros? How do I tell it to use the C locale?
> Thanks for any help,
> Cory Riddell
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