[osg-users] Display seemly infinite grid while using OrbitCameraManipulator.

Franco Tang doublemax at 163.com
Tue Aug 27 22:38:07 PDT 2019

Now, I am developing 3-d application and using osg::Geometry to dispaly grid. In addition, I use OrbitCameraManipulator in my application.
Firslty, while zooming the camera, I had to scale the grid.
Secondly, while panning the camera, the grid do translation, so it would always displayed in the view.
Thridly, while rotating the camera, it is diffcult to handle because of arbitrary axis rotation. Sometimes it displayed terriablely.
For the second point and third point, I have terrible implement.
I am thinking about optimization diplay of grid in my application. I found some interesting implement, like vizard or u3d editor, which displayed grid seemly infinitely.
I found some implement about infinite grid in google. Does osg has some similar stuff?
Can anybody give some tips?
Thank you!

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