[osg-users] [build] Building OSG 3.6.4 in Win64 TDM GNU.

Zachary1234 osgforum at tevs.eu
Thu Aug 22 18:38:02 PDT 2019

AlphaPixel has a buggy web form in its Contact Us area that can't be generally used.  I have attempted emailing them separately using
the email address from inside the buggy code, to no avail.

They have a second email address at the top left hand corner of the web page.  I have emailed that address too, with no reply.

I can't telephone AlphaPixel because we are always day/night opposed, given how far away from each other on planet earth we always are.

Is there someone on these forums who can give me an email address
for AlphaPixel that that will at least read from and reply to me from,
that the public can use to approach them, please?

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