[osg-users] GL profiles issues on Windows

Riccardo Corsi riccardo.corsi at kairos3d.it
Thu Sep 6 02:48:36 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,

good guess! I've enabled the aliasing and my shaders works now with osg
default build!
With this configuration there is still a side effect though: something is
wrong with alpha settings for HUD cameras.
See attached screenshot that shows the issue: it's a modified osgsimplegl3
example with stats handler enabled, but I have alpha issues with other HUDs
as well.
I've counter checked in my examples that the 2 aliasing/uniform calls are
the culprit: if I comment them out the shaders don't work anymore but the
stats are displayed correctly.


On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 5:24 PM Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>

> Hi Riccardo,
> On Wed, 5 Sep 2018 at 15:56, Riccardo Corsi <riccardo.corsi at kairos3d.it>
> wrote:
> > I've rebuilt osg as suggested by Robert and still getting no GL errors
> but nothing shows up.
> > To sum it up, running a test app which only uses libA (which addresses
> only GL3 functions and shaders version 150)
> > under windows:
> > - if I link my code to OSG built with  GLCORE profile everything works
> > - if I link the same code to OSG build with defaults, nothing shows up
> >
> > As further check, I tried the same with osgsimplegl3 example which works
> in both OSG builds.
> > Any idea on what could be the culprit of my code not working in the same
> way?
> My best guess is that the GLCORE build of the OSG is setting up the
> osg::State vertex and uniform aliasing that you shaders are relying
> upon, but in the default build of the OSG these are set by default so
> you have to manually set them.
> The osgsimplegl3 example illustrates and explains this:
>     // for non GL3/GL4 and non GLES2 platforms we need enable the osg_
> uniforms that the shaders will use,
>     // you don't need thse two lines on GL3/GL4 and GLES2 specific
> builds as these will be enable by default.
>     gc->getState()->setUseModelViewAndProjectionUniforms(true);
>     gc->getState()->setUseVertexAttributeAliasing(true);
> These two settings are done by default for GLCORE build, but are off
> by default so have to be set explicitly for non GLCORE builds.
> The osgvertexattributes and osgtessellationshaders examples have a
> more general purpose approach:
>     osgViewer::Viewer::Windows windows;
>     viewer.getWindows(windows);
>     for(osgViewer::Viewer::Windows::iterator itr = windows.begin();
>         itr != windows.end();
>         ++itr)
>     {
>         osg::State *s=(*itr)->getState();
>         s->setUseModelViewAndProjectionUniforms(true);
>         s->setUseVertexAttributeAliasing(true);
>     }
> Probably the most general way to wrap this up would be to have a
> custom RealizeOperation do this, the osgvolume example has an example
> of this, although not for the State::setUse*Aliasing(true);
> Hope this helps,
> Robert.
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// This is public domain software and comes with
// absolutely no warranty. Use of public domain software
// may vary between counties, but in general you are free
// to use and distribute this software for any purpose.

// Example: OSG using an OpenGL 3.1 context.
// The comment block at the end of the source describes building OSG
// for use with OpenGL 3.x.

#include <osgViewer/Viewer>
#include <osgDB/ReadFile>
#include <osg/GraphicsContext>
#include <osg/Camera>
#include <osg/Viewport>
#include <osg/StateSet>
#include <osg/Program>
#include <osg/Shader>
#include <osgUtil/Optimizer>

#include <osgViewer/ViewerEventHandlers>

void configureShaders( osg::StateSet* stateSet )
    const std::string vertexSource =
        "#version 140 \n"
        " \n"
        "uniform mat4 osg_ModelViewProjectionMatrix; \n"
        "uniform mat3 osg_NormalMatrix; \n"
        "uniform vec3 ecLightDir; \n"
        " \n"
        "in vec4 osg_Vertex; \n"
        "in vec3 osg_Normal; \n"
        "out vec4 color; \n"
        " \n"
        "void main() \n"
        "{ \n"
        "    vec3 ecNormal = normalize( osg_NormalMatrix * osg_Normal ); \n"
        "    float diffuse = max( dot( ecLightDir, ecNormal ), 0. ); \n"
        "    color = vec4( vec3( diffuse ), 1. ); \n"
        " \n"
        "    gl_Position = osg_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * osg_Vertex; \n"
        "} \n";
    osg::Shader* vShader = new osg::Shader( osg::Shader::VERTEX, vertexSource );

    const std::string fragmentSource =
        "#version 140 \n"
        " \n"
        "in vec4 color; \n"
        "out vec4 fragData; \n"
        " \n"
        "void main() \n"
        "{ \n"
        "    fragData = color; \n"
        "} \n";
    osg::Shader* fShader = new osg::Shader( osg::Shader::FRAGMENT, fragmentSource );

    osg::Program* program = new osg::Program;
    program->addShader( vShader );
    program->addShader( fShader );
    stateSet->setAttribute( program );

    osg::Vec3f lightDir( 0., 0.5, 1. );
    stateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform( "ecLightDir", lightDir ) );

int main( int argc, char** argv )
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments( &argc, argv );

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> root = osgDB::readRefNodeFiles( arguments );
    if( root == NULL )
        osg::notify( osg::FATAL ) << "Unable to load model from command line." << std::endl;
        return( 1 );

    osgUtil::Optimizer optimizer;
    optimizer.optimize(root.get(), osgUtil::Optimizer::ALL_OPTIMIZATIONS  | osgUtil::Optimizer::TESSELLATE_GEOMETRY);

    configureShaders( root->getOrCreateStateSet() );

    const int width( 800 ), height( 450 );
    const std::string version( "3.1" );
    osg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsContext::Traits > traits = new osg::GraphicsContext::Traits();
    traits->x = 20; traits->y = 30;
    traits->width = width; traits->height = height;
    traits->windowDecoration = true;
    traits->doubleBuffer = true;
    traits->glContextVersion = version;
    osg::ref_ptr< osg::GraphicsContext > gc = osg::GraphicsContext::createGraphicsContext( traits.get() );
    if( !gc.valid() )
        osg::notify( osg::FATAL ) << "Unable to create OpenGL v" << version << " context." << std::endl;
        return( 1 );

    osgViewer::Viewer viewer;

    // Create a Camera that uses the above OpenGL context.
    osg::Camera* cam = viewer.getCamera();
    cam->setGraphicsContext( gc.get() );
    // Must set perspective projection for fovy and aspect.
    cam->setProjectionMatrix( osg::Matrix::perspective( 30., (double)width/(double)height, 1., 100. ) );
    // Unlike OpenGL, OSG viewport does *not* default to window dimensions.
    cam->setViewport( new osg::Viewport( 0, 0, width, height ) );

    viewer.setSceneData( root );

    // for non GL3/GL4 and non GLES2 platforms we need enable the osg_ uniforms that the shaders will use,
    // you don't need thse two lines on GL3/GL4 and GLES2 specific builds as these will be enable by default.

	// add the stats handler
	viewer.addEventHandler(new osgViewer::StatsHandler);

    return( viewer.run() );


Building OSG for OpenGL 3.x

OSG currently support OpenGL 3.x on Windows. This comment block describes the
necessary configuration steps.

Get the draft gl3.h header file from OpenGL.org and put it in a folder called
“GL3” somewhere on your hard drive. OSG includes this header as <GL3/gl3.h>. Get
gl3.h from here:

Open the cmake-gui and load OSG's top-level CmakeLists.txt. You'll need to make
several changes.

 * Add the path to <GL3/gl3.h> to the CMake compiler flags, CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS and
   CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG (for release and debug builds; others if you use other
   build configurations). The text to add should look something like this:
     /I “C:\GLHeader”
   The folder GLHeader should contain a subfolder GL3, which in turn contains

 * Enable the following CMake variable:

 * Disable the following CMake variables:

Create your project files in cmake-gui as usual, and build OSG as usual.

If you have an external project that will depend on OSG built for OpenGL 3.x,
you'll need to ensure your external project also uses the compiler include
directives to find <GL3/gl3.h>.

To berify your application is using a pure OpenGL 3.x context, set
OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=INFO in the environment and check the console output. Context
creation displays output such as the following:
    GL3: Attempting to create OpenGL3 context.
    GL3: version: 3.1
    GL3: context flags: 0
    GL3: profile: 0
    GL3: context created successfully.

When your app begins rendering, it displays information about the actual context
it is using:
    glVersion=3.1, isGlslSupported=YES, glslLanguageVersion=1.4

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