[osg-users] Rendering multiple screens

Nathalie Ruano nruano at gatech.edu
Wed Oct 31 13:46:56 PDT 2018


I'm fairly new to the the osg community but I'm currently trying to create a program that will span over 4 screens (same view different angles).

I tried to setup viewer.setUpViewAcrossAllScreens() but it crashes claiming the following:

Error: win32windowingsystem::getsampleopenGLcontext() - unable to create  an OpenGL rendering context
Grapicswindow has not been created succesfully.
 Error: win32windowingsystem::getsampleopenGLcontext() - unable to create  an OpenGL rendering context
Grapicswindow has not been created succesfully.
Error: [screen #0] GraphicsWindowWin32::makeCurrentImplementation() - Window not realized; cannot do makeCurrent.
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at Before Renderer::compile
Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at start of GLOBjectsVisitor::apply(osg::Drawable& drawable)

Any help would be great !


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