[osg-users] Adding Constraints to Draggers

Max Power daniel.lehmann85 at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 25 09:14:43 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,

ah okay, I understand. Thank you for your fast reply.

I saw OpenSceneGraph/examples/osgmanipulator/osgmanipulator.cpp and I noticed, that it also uses the Constraint class. However, I don't quite understand it unfortunately. All constrain methods of the class are set to true here and I don't get why this was done. Okay, but then I will try to take a deeper look into the code.

But how is the situation currently? Are osgmanipulator and especially the dragger classes are still used today? Or do most people rather write everything from scratch instead of using osgmanipulator?

Thank you for your help! :)


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