[osg-users] osg apps on gpu cluster

Per Nordqvist nordqvist at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 07:26:45 PDT 2018

Thank you Robert, these are great leads, will check them out.

There is one more variant I wonder about:
If I run two osg apps on one screen, with multiple graphics cards,
can I then share the loads between the GPUs?
Something like "GPU Affinity"?

Kind regards

On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 09:54, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com>

> Hi Nick & Per,
> On Tue, 2 Oct 2018 at 06:12, Per Nordqvist <nordqvist at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I and Nick are working to utilize as much of the GPUs as possible,
> either on single machine or cluster.
> > So hardware is not yet decided, but let's assume ubuntu 16+, multiple
> modern Nvidia gaming cards, but still single screen.
> osgViewer has been written from the ground up to support multiple GPUs
> on a single machine with a single application.
> The basic concept is the View's master Camera controls the overall
> view, and a series of slave Camera's assign to the View handle the
> rendering for each graphics card/display.  The osgwindow example is
> the simplistic example of this in action.  A search for addSlave in
> the OSG codebase will reveal lots of other examples of it in action -
> it can be used for a wide range of tasks.
> The OSG out of the box will default to DrawThreadPerContext
> ThreadingModel on modern machines, you might find
> CullDrawThreadPerContext more appropriate, you could even try
> CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext if you have plenty of cores to
> throw at it.
> In 3.6.x you also have support for explicitly controlling Affinity so
> you can lock various threads to particular cores.
> Another variable you could play with is that you can set up the
> OS/desktop so that one single graphics context can span multiple
> cards.
> Modern graphics cards are beast so you might well be able to handle
> quite a few displays just from one card.
> Robert.
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