[osg-users] Moving from 3.4.1 to 3.5.7 breaks my "hardware instancing"

Julien Valentin julienvalentin51 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 1 13:35:46 PDT 2018

is osgdrawinstanced example working as expected?
What's your configuration specificities (gpu driver, plateform...)?

loopy wrote:
> Hi,
> I upgraded from 3.4.1 to 3.5.7 and my code that uses "hardware instancing" (to render a large number of simple geometry) renders nothing now.
> I had no need to make any source code changes  when I updated, and other parts of the code that uses vertex/fragment shaders works fine. I am wondering what could have changed to break this code?
> The outline is that I have a class that inherits from Drawable and overrides drawImplementation/computeBoundingBox/supports/accept
> I am adding a VertexAttribDivisor to the Program
> OSG_NOTIFY_LEVEL=DEBUG shows nothing interesting.
> Any ideas where I should start looking?
> Andrew

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