[osg-users] Update node color on demand

Diego Mancilla dmancillac at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 14:42:57 PST 2018

Hello Trajce,

 The visitor class implementation is on my previous post on this thread. I took that code from Gordon Tomlison's OSG Samples, and it works when is used previous to the rendering as you can see on my initial post (other thread: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=75209#75209).

 As I said everything gets called when it should, but on runtime, the lines wont change color. I you look at the code snippet of my main:


_lines = osgDB::readNodeFile("lines.dxf"); 
osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode; 

_mViewer->addEventHandler(new ColorHandler); 

ColorVisitor newColor; 
newColor.setColor( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); 

The color of the lines turns red on start. But then, when I try to change it to another color on runetime, nothing happens.

Anyway, here is the visitor implementation (.cpp):

ColorVisitor::ColorVisitor(): osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) 
    m_color.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); 
    m_colorArrays = new osg::Vec4Array; 

ColorVisitor::ColorVisitor(const osg::Vec4 &color): osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) 
    m_color = color; 
    m_colorArrays = new osg::Vec4Array; 



void ColorVisitor::apply(osg::Node &node) { 
    // -------------------------------------------- 
    //  Handle traversal of osg::Node node types 
    // -------------------------------------------- 

void ColorVisitor::apply(osg::Geode &geode) { 
    // ------------------------------------------------ 
    //  Handle traversal of osg::Geode node types 
    // ------------------------------------------------ 

    osg::StateSet *state = NULL; 
    unsigned int    vertNum = 0; 
    //  We need to iterate through all the drawables check if 
    //  the contain any geometry that we will need to process 

    unsigned int numGeoms = geode.getNumDrawables(); 

    for (unsigned int geodeIdx = 0; geodeIdx < numGeoms; geodeIdx++) 
        // Use 'asGeometry' as its supposed to be faster than a dynamic_cast 
        // every little saving counts 
        osg::Geometry *curGeom = geode.getDrawable(geodeIdx)->asGeometry(); 
        // Only process if the drawable is geometry 
        if (curGeom) 
            osg::Vec4Array *colorArrays = dynamic_cast<osg::Vec4Array *>(curGeom->getColorArray()); 
            if (colorArrays) { 
                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < colorArrays->size(); i++) 
                    osg::Vec4 *color = &colorArrays->operator [](i); 
                    // could also use *color = m_color 
                    color->set(m_color._v[0], m_color._v[1], m_color._v[2], m_color._v[3]); 


void ColorVisitor::setColor(const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a) 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Set the color to change apply to the nodes geometry 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    osg::Vec4 *c = &m_colorArrays->operator [](0); 
    m_color.set(r, g, b, a); 
    *c = m_color; 

void ColorVisitor::setColor(const osg::Vec4 &color) { 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Set the color to change apply to the nodes geometry 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    osg::Vec4 *c = &m_colorArrays->operator [](0); 
    m_color = color; 
    *c = m_color; 


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