[osg-users] Building on macOS 10.14

Ulrich Hertlein u.hertlein at sandbox.de
Sun Nov 11 04:44:35 PST 2018

Hi guys,

Has anyone managed to build OSG (master) on macOS 10.14?

I'm getting a cmake failure trying to even find a useable compiler, due to the usage of
the deprecated+removed libstdc++.

I'm working on a fix for that, but during that journey I noticed that
- minimum supported OS X version is *supposedly* 10.4
- there's checks for Carbon support all over the place

My question is this:
- is somebody actually *using* OSG with macOS pre 10.10 (for example)?
- is (that same?) somebody actually still *using* Carbon?

If not then I'd consider removing Carbon support and setting the minimum supported macOS
version to 10.10 or thereabouts.  Please note that I don't have a way to check whether it
actually *works* with anything previous to the current version 10.14 though...


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