[osg-users] What's the status of .osg files?

Alexandre Vaillancourt alexandre.vaillancourt.list at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 05:36:49 PDT 2018

All right, great summary, thanks a lot!

Le ven. 2 nov. 2018 04:29, Robert Osfield <robert.osfield at gmail.com> a
écrit :

> Hi Alexandre,
> Officially .osg and .ive are deprecated in favour of the native serializer
> baed formats which are .osgt (ascii), .osgb (binary) and .osgx (xml
> version).  The new serializer based formats were introduced in 3.0.
> While the .osg and .ive formats are deprecated we're not about to remove
> them from support, the deprecation is more about "don't use" these as they
> can't support all the functionality that the modern native formats can.
> For you own project I would recommend moving over to writing .osgt and
> .osgb by default, and steadily moving over the models you have across.
> Cheers,
> Robert
> On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 at 01:26, Alexandre Vaillancourt <
> alexandre.vaillancourt.list at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> At the place where I work, we've used OSG for about 10 years; first OSG
>> 3.0 (I think), then 3.2, and we're now transitioning to 3.6. So some of our
>> models are .osg's.
>> For the first time, I'm the one who's building the solution and since I
>> want to reduce the work done (i.e compilation/copy time), I've removed most
>> of the things that we're not using (i.e. the plug-ins).
>> I found myself removing the deprecated plug-ins via
>> And then I haven't been able to load the .osg files in our software.
>> - So I assume the .osg model files should no longer be used? (We're using
>> that and .ive model files.)
>> - If that's the case, what's the suggested replacement for text format
>> models?
>> - Do we know when the support will be completely removed from OSG?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Alexandre Vaillancourt
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