[osg-users] Image getColor not implemented for GL_RED

Tim Whowantstoknow Tare.noN at web.de
Fri May 18 04:24:21 PDT 2018

I was just trying to read out an Image with getColor(). My texture is LUT, so I chose a pixel format GL_RED. This works fine in my shader, but for the getColor method this format is not implemented, thus it returns vec4(1, 1, 1, 1) all the time.

Now judging by the code I can change to GL_ALPHA and achieve my result, but adding the GL_RED with more or less the same code seems like it isn't too much work and I find it more intuitive to use only the red channel (rather than only the alpha channel).

Kind Regards,

p.s: @robert, in case you advice me to change my name again - i tried, i can't. there is no possibility for me to do so in my profile settings (or perhaps i just don't have the authority).

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