[osg-users] OSG API Guides

Maxim Stere osgforum at tevs.eu
Thu Jun 28 07:33:51 PDT 2018

Ah, got it!

It looks like the instructions on 
Are wrong.

You first need to run cmake on the solution with BUILD_DOCUMENTATION:BOOL=ON

Then if you are in Windows you need to manually tell VS to build the doc_openscengraph, building ALL_BUILD will not do it. 

If you want to do it manually, then after running cmake with BUILD_DOCUMENTATION:BOOL=ON you need to do:


cd c:\development\OpenSceneGraph (or what ever folder you have it in)
export OSGHOME=`c:\development\OpenSceneGraph` or set if you are on windows
doxygen doc/core_Doxyfile not doxygen doc/Doxyfiles/core_Doxyfile

That will run the cmake generated doxy file...

Thank you,

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