[osg-users] The naming of VulkanSceneGraph

Eric Sokolowsky esok127 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 06:52:54 PDT 2018

Trademark holders *must* defend their trademarks, or they lose them.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 6:43 PM, Chris Hanson <xenon at alphapixel.com> wrote:

> I think the Vulkan compliance tests (and name usage) only applies to
> implementations OF the Vulkan API. I don't think it applies to software
> USING Vulkan.
> I think VulkanSceneGraph is a good and descriptive name, I just don't want
> to see a lot of activity sunk into that name and then have it torpedoed by
> Khronos as I feel might happen.
> Trademark holders are notably defensive about their properties, whether we
> like that or not.
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 12:51 PM Curtis Rubel <crubel at compro.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>      https://www.khronos.org/vulkan/adopters/
>>      I think this page will alleviate anymore discussion, at
>> least it sounds pretty straight forward to me that as long as
>> VulcanSceneGraph passes their tests it seems OK to use the name.
>> Of course I am no a lawyer either but this text seems to be pretty
>> simple and in laymen's terms.
>> Cheers,
>> Curtis
>> ------------------
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=74159#74159
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> Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. Xenon at AlphaPixel.com
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