[osg-users] OSG API Guides

Maxim Stere osgforum at tevs.eu
Tue Jun 26 06:21:28 PDT 2018

Just got a chance to sit down and try to build the documentation. 

Is the Doxy file created for linux only? Or is there another way to manually generate the docs?

I'm getting:

error: tag HTML_FOOTER: footer file `${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/Doxyfiles/custom_Footer.html' does not exist

when I run: 
D:\Development\OpenSceneGraph-3.6.1>C:\Program Files\doxygen\bin\doxygen.exe ./doc/Doxyfiles/core_Doxyfile

${OpenSceneGraph_SOURCE_DIR} seems to be a CMake variable?
Should that be set somewhere?

Thank you,

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