[osg-users] Stuck with applying an offset to projection matrix

Werner Modenbach Werner.Modenbach at texion.eu
Mon Jun 25 08:33:04 PDT 2018

Hi Robert,

from your question I guess, I have a fundamental misunderstanding.
But from all the examples and from the OGS book I learned as follows:

If I want to show a hud I have to do it with a hud camera which has
reference frame ABSOLUTE_RF.
The same if I want to have a wallpaper in the background. I have to
create a textured screen quad and show it with camera with ABSOLUTE_RF.
ABSOLUTE_RF seems to be necessary if the object should not be
manipulated by the camera manipulator. Right?

I will be glad to learn if there is some other and more recommended way
to do it.

Many thanks for your never ending patience.

- Werner -

Am 25.06.2018 um 14:59 schrieb Robert Osfield:
> Hi Werner,
> What are you using the ABSOLUTE_RF Camera's for?  My guess this is the
> source of the problems, perhaps the approach you've take with this
> works fine for a single viewport but breaks any form of
> multi-viewport/window composition of the view.
> Could you explain what the ABSOLUTE_RF Cameras are for?
> Robert
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