[osg-users] The naming of VulkanSceneGraph

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 08:46:41 PDT 2018

Hi Chris,

  I am not a lawyer, but I think this is in a muddy area and it concerns
> me. I don't think anyone here can answer this, probably the only way to
> know is to ask Khronos directly for their interpretation in writing. But I
> suspect the answer will be "find a different name that doesn't embed the
> Vulkan" word mark".
>   Just hoping to avoid future pain here. I can reach out to Khronos if
> that is what seems best to do.

The of registered trademarks is something that I have considered, but
haven't official request permission from Khronous.  My plan is not to use
the Vulkan logo colour, font or style in the VulkanSceneGraph logo, not
that I've really thought too much about that, other than don't be like
Vulkan.  Branding similar to the OpenSceneGraph would probably make sense
as they part of the same family.  If we have to then VulcanSceneGraph would
a bit naff fallback.

If the branding is very distinct, and the word itself isn't something that
can be owned as there is lots of prior art in active use, then I would have
thought while a lawyer might say ohh absolutely not, in practice I suspect
they would be unlikely to be able to defend it court.

Within Khronos I suspect there will be a range of views.  Having a
professional grade scene graph being developed explicitly on top of Vulkan
is an asset to Vulkan adoption and promotion.  If Kronous want Vulkan to
break out beyond the game market early adopters then the VulkanSceneGraph
will be a great vehicle for it.  I could see that some within Khronos might
concerned that it might be viewed as Khronos project and would detract from
their own mission, but I'd hope this would be in the minority - or at least
it should be as Vulkan really needs a professional grade scene graph to
achieve widespread adoption, and having the Vulkan name in there will a
great advert for it.

I did look at the costs of trademarking VulkanSceneGraph myself but the for
worldwide it's several tens of thousands of $ so I decided against it.

I had considered finding a friendly Khronos member to introduce the project
to with the hope that they would advocate the project.  If I were attending
Siggraph this is when I'd do it. I am open to others taking on this role if
they already have a good working relationship with members of Khronos.

Getting an official OK from Khronos would be something more challenging and
definitely require getting involved with some kinda of committee
discussion.  Having something tangible to discuss in terms of prototype
code and design document could be useful in this process so they can have a
bit of confidence that the project is an asset rather than a risk.  I am
obviously a few months away from this.

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