[osg-users] Please test OpeSceneGraph-3.6 branch in prep for the 3.6.2 release candidate series

Robert Osfield robert.osfield at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 11:42:37 PDT 2018

Hi All,

We have a couple of fixes merge with the OpeneSceneGraph-3.6 branch
since 3.6.1 so I'd like to make a 3.6.2 this month before I head off
on my holidays :-)

I believe 3.6.2 should be easier to get stable and released as there
haven't been many changes since 3.6.1, and all of the changes were
fixes so an already good release should just be a bit more rock solid.

If there are any issues let us know on this thread, then we can then
track then down and fix them before I tag 3.6.2-rc1.

Thanks for your help,

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