[osg-users] [build] Can't build OSG 2.8.2 on CentOS 7.5

Alexey Palagin alexey.palagin at gmail.com
Tue Jun 12 03:37:43 PDT 2018

robertosfield wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> 2.8.2 is an ancient release of the OpenSceneGraph, the current up to
> date stable release is 3.6.1,  I strongly recommend using this instead
> of 2.8.2, this old release is not been touched by anyone for years so
> if there are build issues with modern compiler/build tools then it's
> not something that is probably worth trying to resolve when we have
> far better modern releases that are known to work fine with present
> modern compiler/build tools.
> Cheers,
> Robert.

Thank you very much for reply, Robert.
It was my old project I was working on years ago, I just wanted to re-open it.
As far as I understand it is strongly recommended to use the latest version of OSG - 3.6.
When I configure OSG 3.6, I am getting message that DCMTK is not found. But make command goes without any error. Is it a problem - DCMTK? I can't find it in repositories. You can see configure and make log in attachment.

Read this topic online here:

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